
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Payed off a flopped monster (flop: 776, vilain shows Sixs full of Sevens) and watched the guy piss away my money slowly. When he started losing his, he quit. I could have gotten away from this cheaper on the river when he raised my bet. Of course, I thought he was bluffing since he was playing out of the newbie blind :(

Folded Ducks (pocket 2's) on the button to a 6bb raise. Deuce on the flop. Of course. That's probably the most -EV I've done in awhile. I imagine I could have doubled (I can never type 'bl', always 'lb') up here, easily.

Just folded Hiltons (pocket Queens) when someone seemed to like the 5678 OESD flop/turn. Yet he folds to the Ace on the river?! Well, at least he saved me from being rivered (still lost 8bb).

Saw 34s take down a huge pot with a straight Two to Six. Loser was fuming over that (showed AKo). Think the straight was made on the river too. Glad it wasn't me paying that one off.

First few hands at this new table have been good. Didn't SD broadway on a 4-flush flop (hopefully I forced out a one card flush here. The Ace was on the board).

(Wow, just won a huge pot with KQo, two pairs Kings and Fours! I thought I was behind the whole hand since I cold-called a PFR. I was hovering over 'fold' on every street but no one was betting large enough so it ended up being 7/8-way. I missed a value bet on the river, though. It was checked around to me on the button and I decided to check behind. I honestly couldn't believe my TP2K was good here and I didn't want to expose myself to a check-raise.)

Also won big with KJ before KQ. Two Jacks on the flop and I dodged the flush.

One more orbit and I call it a night. What day is it again?

Postscript: I think my game is improving but I'm probably not in danger of 'crushing' these limits just yet. Even still, another +2 buy-ins and I'll take a shot at the next limit. I think I can handle that game even if my BR can't yet.