
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



-17 bb @ .5/1. What?

Deal breakers: AA vs. K5s(?), KK vs. XX.

AA: His mistake pre-flop to call a capped bet (reraiser folded after the flop), my mistake to not respect his aggression on the turn (xK55). This is a laydown I must be able to make which brings us to...

KK: Played exactly the same as AA except flop was quiet. Turn brought an Ace and a reraise to my bet, which I folded to. Good fold or bad? Did he mark me as KK/QQ or think I was just continuation betting? If the former, good read. If the latter, very poor read. Part of me wishes I'd shown down for 2 more bets, or even reraised (he'd have to be a complete donkey to 3-bet on a bluff). A-rag would have not been worth a raise; AA wouldn't have been limped. A[K-J] then? Perhaps the turn gave him two-pair? I think I'll ask on FTR (need to register). Actually, looking at the history again I think this was a very weak fold here, and one I wouldn't have made if my Aces hadn't been busted earlier. This turn was worth reraising (or calling). In fact, I think the best play here is C/R'ing the Ace, even though it hurts me.

Q8s: Bet my Q-8 straight draw, got it, didn't get called on the river. My best hand of the night...

A9s: Three Queens on the board, made a good read that the other guy didn't have Quads and won the pot vs. A3o (lol?).

Well, so much for "crushing the game with expert play" (SSH). Then again, my play is pretty far from expert. Lessons to learn: Fold monster starting hands to heavy action. Conversely, don't fold to weak action. Yes, it would have sucked to have lost to A-rag or some shitty two-pair but I really don't see him actually having a hand here (4T2A, two clubs on board).