
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



+0.5 buy-ins after 1h 30m. Kind of sucks but it's better than the alternatives.

Got bullets in the BB, managed to win a medium pot without SD. Next hand got dealt AKs, managed to win a smallish pot without SD. Got pocket 10's twice, held up once, IIRC. 1st time I made my set on the turn but only managed to bet 2bb since I was having problems with the slider. Luckily I was HU and the guy behind me raised, I came over the top for 3x his raise but he folded. Slider owned me on some other hand too. I meant to bet 20bb but ended up betting 1.1bb. I think that was with Aces.

Not a bad session. The worst mistake I made was calling a pot sized bet when I couldn't see my hole cards. Bit too much of a gambool. I nearly called a 50bb all-in with 10's but figured I was probably dominated.

All things, a pretty good game just a shame I'm at such small limits. I may try moving up limits for one buy-in. I've played it before -- and the limit above -- and the level of play is not substantially better at either level. I should do okay provided I don't play scared. Considering my game is very TAG I run the risk of turning weak-tight. Hopefully I'll still be able to push medium edges even if I shy away from the small ones.