
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Well, made my +0.5 buy-ins but stayed and lost it. How? AQo vs. A7o. He flopped two pair which improved to a full-house on the river. I knew he had Ax but I had no idea he'd gotten that lucky. My one fear was being dominated by AK. Little did I know...

I then watched him donk his entire stack off against two people who had made an obvious broadway with AK. After his rebuy he calls another donkeys all-in with AK. Fortunately for him the donkey also had AK...

So my new rule is: If I'm up half a buy-in or so in under 20 mins, consider leaving or finding a new table. Or just bank my profit and resit.


Finale was excellent. I knew it was frigging Quentin! I had no idea about Kitt, though. I also had no idea that Quentin didn't have a penis. ROFL. The Matt storyline was good too. I sometimes think he's a little prick but I think he redeemed himself for the most part here. He really fucking owned that Aryan shithead in the end. I only wonder what will come of that...