
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


"This CD cost me $20 :p"

I included a little note in the case. I was burning a CD for a friend and playing poker. I'm only breaking even and the all of a sudden I can't click anything. Arghh. I watch miserably as I slowly fold KQo in EP, hit two pair on the flop (KQJ), and full house on the turn (Kings full of Queens). On the flop I read that the guy sitting to my left flopped broadway. When the second King comes on the turn the guy to my right goes all-in. I'm thinking he has KJ, KQ, or just trips. I would have had the nuts either way and we'd have split Broadways stack. Broadway goes all-in. River is a blank. Guy on my right flips JJ, Jacks full of Kings. Oh. My. God. I'd have destacked them both!

I can't play now. That's tilted me slightly. Maybe later. Son of bitch.