
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


The Grind

Back to it for an hour or so. Took ages to find a table, POS site.

Finally found one that looks loose enough. UTG raises to 5BB and I've just posted the blind in MP3 with AQs. I fold preflop not wanting to be dominated. Villain shows ATs and wins with a pair of Tens. Then I limp with KQs, call a raise to see a flop but only get a gutshot. C/F. Although, I made the mistake of checking here which allowed someone behind me to push me off my draw. I think betting what I'm prepared to pay to draw and folding to a raise is better. I must say all this aggression is making my play super easy. Even when I'm pretty confident they're bluffing, I just fold. AKo, fold to 12BB raise behind me from a medium stack, losing 2BB that I'd called. Flop was Ace-high, so TPTK. He bet large at the flop (commited himself, really) so he either had AA, a set, or air. The good news is, I think I'm getting paid off when I make a hand. The preflop aggression might allow me to push AA/KK over a raise and get callers too. Although, knowing my luck, they'll get cracked. 33 UTG, UTG+1 raises. JJQ flop, turn is a Queen. I can't bail fast enough. UTG+1 shows down 77 vs. KQ. Well, duh, a naked Ace beats you tard. Let alone a slowplayed monster. CO A9o, fold. ATo UTG+2, fold. Board would have given me runner-runner Broadway. As it was someone else got T9 filled in for them. Damnit, might have taken a stack with a higher straight. 34s in the BB, flop bottom two pair. Uh oh. I name my SD but with a 6 on the river I bail when I'm reraised. Villain either had set, straight, or air. I know I have to SD something soon but bottom two with an obvious straight isn't the time or the place. In hindsight, I think my blocking bet was way too weak. I doubt I'm good here often enough to call what he asked though. I hate having two pair on a straight draw board. ATo on the button. $2 to go, fold. God, there are some donkeys at this table. I just wish I could stop missing the board. At the same time, I have to credit villains with hands better than Ace-high.

I don't know if I'm playing shit or what but this will be another losing session. It's only ~100 hands, though, so hardly a large sample. Also, I don't feel like I've spewed pre or post flop, particularly. I don't even know the odds of making a runner runner straight so I hardly think folding there was too bad. Oh, 0.5%.

Variance seens to be catching up with the LLAG donkeys. All their stacks are depleted considerably. Oh, but I see one of them now has a huge stack. Must have missed that action. Keep getting 72o, I should reraise that preflop, right? God. Just gone two full orbits without playable hands. And, yes, I need cards to win I'm afraid. Especially at this level. Wow, flop is QQQ. Cool :) Bully who got aggro with me is all-in now. Damn, his Q9o beat 99.

/quit -$10 over ~100 hands. 4th consecutive losing session. Bugger. Not long until July 1st either. Good good.