
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


En guard

Tried fitting a dog guard for someone. Springy legs didn't work at all. Supposedly you just untwist to unlock. After half an hour of screwing around with it I ended up smashing one in fustration. I'll have to make some legs for it now. Actually, I can just put bolts through the existing legs. I had to break the other one though which was much harder than I thought it would be :)

66 && 77 both miss. How in the hell many is that now? Mr. KK is stalking me. He's a bit of a LAG but I haven't hit anything to hurt him with yet. Keep overbetting the pot with air and you'll have to pay for it sooner or later, mister. I'm also not a big fan of his PFR but with 72o in the BB, I'm not defending.

LP: ATs, call a PFR and hit TPWK. I fold to the PFR's pot bet. I'm most likely up against AK/AQ/AJ and I don't have the flush or straight draw. Disconnected.

Back, new table. Ditched Mr. KK for now. Limp from MP3 with A7s, flop OESD. Take a free card on the flop, turn misses me. MP1 makes it $1 to continue. Game over. Limp KQo, get's raised $2 from the SB, I think this is a steal but fold regardless (I probably call with AQo). Leave shorthanded table.

SS gets into it with the guy on his left. SS shows Kxs for the 2nd nut flush, other shows KQo TP2K. I'll have to look him up! Damn, he's on my left and is being an aggro donkey. And he's bust, losing to 88 unimproved. Nice all-in bluff, buddy.

Foldin', foldin', foldin'. Oh but I'll keep these cards and hold 'em. Rawhide!

I haven't played a single hand at this table and that probably includes blinds. A9s UTG, try and limp but get raised, obvious steal atempt but I don't think A9s is strong enough to defend it. I shouldn't even be playing it UTG. Oh well, I'm sure to pick up a PP that I can call them with (and then destack them if I get a set). Jesus christ, the main offender just cleaned out two SS with AQo...which he called a $5 all-in with preflop.

King high backdoor flush just destacked someone. I'm pretty sure the person he destacked had the straight. Ouchie. The river wins again. 77 on the button. Finally a set! Minbet looking for overcalls. Doesn't work. No one hit anything (Q87) and no LAGs in the pot so I don't even get a SD. SOB. KJs UTG, hope I can limp in without a raise. Yay, hit TP3K get called down by the main LAG and raised on the river. It's possible he has me beat with some shitty two pair but I've seen enough aggression from him that makes it just as likely he has TPWK or air. I call. He shows K9o. Good read :) He's gone now.

22 CO, raised by the button. <10% of stack plus there's 3 other callers. No brainer call. Flop: KQJ (two spades) I miss my set, two people go all-in. 3rd covers them, and I fold. 3rd shows ATo for flopped Broadway. Table is short handed again. Leave. /quit -$3.

Anywhere I could have doubled up? Set maybe? No, unfortunately, even my $2 bet on the river didn't get called. $1 might have. It was just unfortunate I was in the hand with one of the TAGs and not one of the LAGs. KJs vs. K9o? Well...Maybe but after the last debacle I'm not about to put my stack on the line just because I think I have a good read. Although I think a reraise here might have been good. I suspect his response to that would be to come over the top and that would make me nervous since it's pretty much my whole stack on the line with TP3K.