
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Picked up KK in the CO, raised to $1 odd before me, I make it $5. SS limper pushs $10 all-in and the initial raiser folds. Limper pushing like that is weird but I call. I was thinking, "If I'm going to run into AA vs. KK this is a cheap time to do it." I win unimproved. Maybe limper had Queens but I don't give him that much credit.

Another SS pushed with T7s, called by AKs. Short stack won!

Bah, I try and limp KTo in MP3 but the biggest stack at the table raises. At SD he can't beat A8o (pair of Aces). Interesting :) I keep picking up KTo OOP, kind of a pain.

Fold 73o in the BB to the min raise. Flop two pair.

Last orbit. Table's shorthanded and I need to bank my small profit. /quit +$9. Not bad for a 25 min session. Cancels out my earlier loss :)

I own preflop but when someone's junk AI cracks AA/KK I am going to be howling.