
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I'm beginning to dread getting AA/KK now. It doesn't matter how much I raise I still get called by shit like JTo...which flops a gutshot...which he pretty much goes all-in with after my c/value bet...then he puts the rest of his stack in when he hits on the turn...which is 1/10th of the pot. Fucksake, talk about play bad, get there. I'm 80/20 on the 2K9r flop.

Damn, talk about a misread. SB ATo: Flops top two but there's a flush draw. I bet and get two callers. Flush comes on the turn, I check/fold and congratulate myself on a nice lay down. Of course, he's turned a crappy two pair.

Faak. Similar situation but with KJo from MP. I try to click the 'bet pot' button but the action switches to me as I do so I end up minbetting. Guy folds anyway. Great.

I forgot to mention my set of Jacks on a AQJ flop and the turn was a Ten.

Sigh, fucking 3 outers all the goddamn fucking time at party. Both times lost to A4 with AQ/AK.

Oops, that's what I get for not paying attention. Just value checked my straight. SOB, I read good.

Heh, I get KK in my last orbit at the table. Guess what the other guy had? Fuck party.