
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Passive UV

I was going to compare my Pacific stats to my Party ones but it appears I've been equally bad at both sites, so that's an exercise in futility. Plus the fact that I've been folding AKo tonight for 6-8bb raises doesn't help (of course, the times I fold, it would have connected hard with the flop).

UltraViolet is all kinds of cool and I want to love it but I don't. (I had meant to write a decent review of sorts but I've dwindled away the time. Here's the short version...)

Good: Effects, Milla, Gunkata, Action. Bad: Story, Dialogue, Supporting Cast.

Best line of the film is something like...BadGuy: "What do you think you're doing, Violet? We're the same as you. We're just as fast and just as strong." Violet: "Yeah, but are you 1/10th as pissed off as I am?" She then proceeds to own them bigstyle by pulling their long, girly hair?! Worst line is an attempted joke. Computer scans UV for weapons: "Number of weapons detected...many!" Hah-de-fucking-ha.

Variance: Scene between UV and geeky guy where geeky guy is saying he loves her. Fine, should have cut the last minute. The scene needs to end when he rhetorically asks, "Why do you think I brought you back?" and she touches his face softly. THAT'S IT. We don't need more cumbersome dialogue here, we don't need to beat the audience over the head with the relationship. As the Gorillaz say, "It's there!", now move on.

Technology: Soft as fuck sci-fi. Granted, "any sufficiently advanced..." but this is absurd. I wasn't expecting hard sci-fi here but this is more fantasy than anything else. Some of it looks really, really cool but that needs to be weighed beside suspension of disbelief (if I can't spell anything, it's because I'm rushed/sick/tired/stupid).

Obvious: Comparisons to Aeon Flux are bound to occur, and the long and the short of it is this is the better film. Better effects, better action, better lead (sorry, Charlize, you're beautiful but Milla has the action heroine market cornered), and marginally better story. I guess you could also compare it to Underworld/UW2 and again this probably comes out on top (well, against UW2 it's no contest, UW1 was better than 2...). Why? Milla again. Milla trounces Kate Beckinsale when it comes to kick ass and it's not even funny. Charlize at least gave her a run for her money because her movement was sublime in AF. Still, perfect grace does not a one woman army make.

T&A: Milla makes for great eyecandy too! Gratuitous close up of her ass when she's doing the mood change on her outfit, gets naked early in the pic (sorry, cam I watched was shit but I think this was more a PG-13 naked than anything else). She looks 100% better than in RE2 (digital touch up? better make-up?), practically flawless. In RE2 she looks a little...old.

Critics: They hate it, I can see why. I like it, just about, I enjoyed Equilibirum too, so there you go. It's frivilous fun, try and ignore the dialogue, the fantasy sci-fi and just watch it for the eyecandy and action sequences. They're mindblowing. This is a film to watch on acid.

Also, it appears there's a good 30 mins cut from theatrical release and directors cut. Depending on what was cut, the DE could be awesome. If all they cut was exposition dialogue, can it.

Final: Good, but not great, better than AE, UW2, and EQUI but that's not particularly hard. I will rewatch a better quality version when I get the chance and I don't bother for most things.