
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Played a $10+$1 satellite today for a change of pace. Kind of fun. I doubled early by raising 99 UTG+1 (not standard) and hitting top set. Bet pot, pushed flush turn. AKo no good, although if he had a club he'd have sucked out on me when the 4th one fell. Got AA but no action. Ran into trouble with 88 by bluffing at a turned King. Ended up having to make a move with AJo. Got called by ATs so 70/30 favourite until he flops a Ten. 107th, wee.

Played about 100 hands of ring. Biggest hand I was dealt was QQ which took down some dead money. That was offset by KJo hitting TP3K on a monotone flop. Slowplayed nut flush extracted some value when the 4th heart fell on the river and I improved to the 3rd nut flush.


Eh, try another donkament. Haven't played a hand and my stack's at 945 with the BB at 150. I get dealt AA in LP, I push and I'm called in 3 places by Ax and KT. Board ends up something like QJT9x and KT wins. Some dumb crap like that. Rebuy? No, thanks. I've made hugely +EV decisions in these donkaments and been bad beated. Standard.

Meh, overextended myself with 99. Raised from the CO, called by the button. Flop 86x two hearts, undercards. I bet $9, raised to $20. I call :( Turn's a Queen, I check, he bets $40, I push. He calls with QJ of hearts. I put him on either a draw or a set, and I figured calling flop, check/raising turn was the way to extract the most from a draw. I couldn't put him on a Queen. Damnit. Standard 3 outer, put it all in when behind. I wasn't deep enough to have any FE either. Fucksake.

So, um, dropped a buy-in there, and I'm down two buy-ins overall this month.

I've tried. I've tried everything but suicide...Just a thought.