
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Imagine how it would be to be at the top making cash money...

Went to the dentist today and god did it hurt. I don't know if she was impacting the nerve with the drill or what but I haven't experienced that much pain in the chair for awhile. Possibly the anesthetic hadn't kicked in fully but my word was it excruciating. Of course, I remained stoic even though I felt I might black out. Slow drill was the worst. Ugh.

Think I may have identified a leak. VP$IP too high! Dunno, I'll have to watch myself on that. Folding more from EP would be good, calling less raises would be great. Oops, tried bluffing what turned out to be a calling station on two streets...who had the same hand I did (KJo). Maybe I should have fired the third shell.

All this weak-tightness in the name of avoiding variance and increasing winnings. So far, not so good.

Jesus, fucking, christ. I just folded KK preflop with no action in front of me. WTF is wrong with me. BAD misclick. BAD. Well, that's one way to get VP$IP down...

Typical, fucking typical. Flop a set, cunt rivers a straight. Flush draw on the turn. That's how good I run.

Reraise UTG with QQ, button cold calls which worries me. BUT! I flop top set, bet pot, button pushes on a QT7 board. I instacall with glee. Turn: Ace. I already know that I'm dead at this point. Either villain hit their two outer, or will do, or...River: Jack. Yup. KK. NOTHING FUNNER.

I guess all-in with 85% equity just isn't good enough. I did fail to scream "PAIR THE BOARD" so that was a tactical error.