
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Pete & Re-Pete


Wow. I don't think I commented on last weeks episode but it was spectacular. Jack gets pissed off and the crisis gets solved in 30 minutes or less. What an emotionally supercharged 40 minutes of drama that was. Awesome stuff, and overall this season seems to be second only to the very first. Season two was good (discounting all the Kim storylines...grizzlies...) but three and four were lackluster (with four being pretty goddamn terrible with some highlights).

And then the final seconds of 5x16. BOOM! The lovable/hatable pansy makes his final (?) flip-flop. I always thought that his character was meant to be Nixonesque. Question now is: What will Jack & co. do? Is this going to end in assassination, public or otherwise? I can quite see Martha Logan joining the counter-conspiracy eventually, afterall, he was going to kill her for what looks like no reason at all.

Prison Break

1x16 good, 1x15 not so good. Probably because I watched the screener version of 15 but it seemed piss poor. Then again anything following 14 is going to look abysmal...especially if it's VHS with a lot of audio "placers".

Backstories for the inmates as told in 16 was interesting. Teddy is a majorly creepy fuck, and Sucre is going to kill Hector when he finds out. Plus the whole origins of the Linc (apparent lowlife)/Michael (success story) dichotomy. Those were all highlights. The VP & brother thing was weak (although the fact that he has dentures was a nice link back to the exhumation in 15), so was the Dr. Tancredi morhpine addict crap.


Nothing fishier than redepositing. Blah, blah, short roll, high ROR, blah, blargh. Fact of the matter is by playing weak-tight, low variance (ha!) counterplay I'm bleeding money between high equity flops. Standard TAG play can pick up money between flopping monsters or monster draws by, um, playing poker. As it is...I'm paying money to see flops cheap with "speculative" premium hands, missing and folding. Or I'm in cheap and up against all sorts of crap. True, people can still pair their crappy kicker in a raised pot but, more likely, they're going to be dominated and lose. Or the cbet will fold people on the flop. So I know I'm leaving money on the table between flops where I get it all-in with 80%+ equity, and then I lose those pots too and BUSTO.

Also, while dooberry's call to river with OESD was wrong it wasn't that bad. Had the turn in that hand not completed an obvious draw, he would have checked it to me and I would have severly shortened his odds (of course, that player would have called anyway). Flop was K87 (two hearts), I hold 77, dooberry holds 69s (iirc, could have been unsuited but it wasn't 69 hearts). I round the pot up to the nearest dollar and bet $5 or so. Turn is the Queen of hearts and I only bet $8 into $13, ready to release if he wants to raise his flush. Calling with 8 outs here is pretty marginal but if he can get me to call his push or put him all in it's just about okay. Also, the slightly disguised nature of his straight helped him here. If the river was a 9 or a 6 there is substantially less chance that I'm paying him off than if the board is xx78T w/ 3 to the flush. I think my river bet was more of a bluff after I decided that he didn't have the flush after his turn action. Good read but I put him on two pair at most but more likely TP and didn't see how the river changed anything. Me-eh.