
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Sorry Mouse

Not in this house.

Little bugger had chewed one of my snickers so I immediately set a trap using some of the spoiled bar as bait. Half an hour later, click, scrabble, scrabble, scrabble. I hate killing mice but I 1) can't be doing with droppings all over the kitchen and 2) have them nibbling on my food since it's either ruined or, if I don't noticed, possibly diseased. Still, I feel guilty :(

Watched Battle Royale 2. Pretty crap, much like the original. Oh well.

Got paid £20 for completing someones Cruiser install. Considering they're selling it to end users the installer should probably, um, install the drivers. Don't you think? Or is having to manually install them through Device Manager some sort of brilliant feature?

As an aside, that box (XP home, 2.6GHz, 256mb RAM) was riddled with malware, as I imagine most peoples are. Took over 10 freaking minutes to install the first lot of drivers (subsequent installs -- yes, there were three drivers to install... -- were faster). I eventually got the nerve to CAD (I couldn't remember if that brought up taskmanager in XP home or rebooted instantly, rofl, eff windows) and the amount of processes chewing on resources was just scary. Later, as he was dropping me off the lad asked why his mother's computer was so slow. I told him and he asked me if I could fix it. "Well..." but then he mentioned an alternative (some shop) so I said "YES! DO THAT. TAKE IT THERE. YES, GOOD!".

IDK, I'm sure the money would be more than fair but, honestly, it's the technical equivalent of janatorial work. Talk about total lack of job satisfaction. Shall I decruft your keyboard for you too, sir? Why yes, it is all running nicely for 5 minutes or so.

I always try to think of an analogy here but I fail. Anything that involves cleaning toilets (plumbing, janitorial) is out because there's no high-end counterpoint to that. Construction engineering to "will you pave my driveway/lay my patio?" is close but that's implying that cleaning winblows is strenuous work. Performance mechanic rebuilding you engine is about right but...I'm guessing that gearheads (even top tier ones) like getting dirty and doing that stuff. Maybe I'm just being equally ignorant about their profession.