
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Needs his dick slicing off unless it was Michael's idea to tell Bellick (sp). But I see no way that doing so would fit in to a new escape plan, and I can't see how they are ever getting out in the next three episodes ("Tonight", "Go", & TBA). So is season 2 going to be them still trying to escape from Foxriver?

Oh, I was way off with the Company == CIA. My initial guess was a non-government organisation but then I thought, no, Company == CIA, stupid.

Great episode, finally meeting Dad, Johns' return, and Tweener. If Tweener did instantly betray Scofield's confidence there is going to retribution like no other, I hope.

On to 24...

Way off on the Aaron thing...And those are the gayest bunch of conspirators I have ever seen. At least Day 1-3's (trying to remember Day 3's ending) were much better.

Heller, tries to redeem himself. Curtis makes a timely entrance. Hayes wakes up and smells the coffee. Bloody fantastic episode.

Henderson is an awesome character too, such a strong villain. Logan is great as well.

Played a HU NL S&G. All over in 15 minutes, 1/3rd of the time it took the excruiating HU Limit BS. In fact, I had twice double his stack in under 5 minutes but I took my time in finishing him off. Final hand: He calls 98s (spades) from the SB, I check T5s (spades). Flop 5c6s2s (or similar), I bet, he pushes his last t250, call. Spades get there and MHIG.

NL > Limit.

Win another one in 3 minutes. These are easy! Um, if you get dealt AA on the 3rd hand. Flop Q98 (98 are diamonds). I bet, he calls. Turn Queen of diamonds. I check behind. River Queen! He bets, I push. Since he doesn't call instantly I think thank god, MHIG. He takes his whole clock and calls with 9x.

Doh, lose one pushing into a made straight. Redo another one, sat with the same douche. Last time he kept pushing with 9-high and showing. First hand push A5s, called by 99. He flops a 9 and says "gg. u suck", yeah, you won a coinflip (Ed: he's 67%), big whoop.

Eff, lost another one. Back door flush got him back in it, and he called my push with 2nd pair. Meh. Maybe I do suck.