
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



You know, I hate party. Every flop misses me completely and makes my hand dogshit. E.g. KK, monotone heart flop, I have no heart. J6s flops a flush and I call down. Super. I call down with QQ against AKo, river an Ace. Super. I have not hit a set in about 500 hands. Super.

Of course, misplaying my last couple of sets and overpairs does not help.

Oh, there we go. LP KK, raise to 5, blind raises to 15, I push, he bluff calls me with ATo. Flop KQx. GG.

I get C/Red all-in on a A45 FD flop. I use DP because I'm sick of this guys over aggressiveness. Eh, location: Livepool. "Calm down, scouser". Turns out he won the hand, probably a set or FD.

Pay off a shortstacks flopped straight with TP2K. Fucking shortstacks.

Now this is ridiculous, I have not hit a set in about 4 hours. I'll have to check how many hands that is but it's getting absurd. I guess I hit one if you include the KK all-in v. ATo. I plan to leave just as soon as I do.

Won a $10 HUSNG earlier. Aggro fucktard, I C/Red my FD into his overpair and sucked out. He managed to come back from t80 to t1000, though, through a series of suckouts (after I stacked him, I raised him all-in with A2s v. K4o, flop A2x but he runner-runners a 4 high flush). He then wins a few coinflips, and picks up KK too. But, then I win a coinflip and it's all fucking over. He seemed as shocked as I was that I could actually win one.

Wow, the quest for a fucking set still continues. I rivered one with 44 but I don't think that counts. Hitting one against a PFR? Forget it. That cannot happen. Even if I were to add more tables it would be a lot more folding on the flop.

Woohoo, finally. 44 hits bottom set (K54r) against the BBs 3bb PFR. I think he had TT-QQ, though since he check/folded. Typical.

Um, then 99 hits on K95 FD flop from the button. I B3B all-in, everyone calls (AA, KQo, ATs)...turn completes the FD but the 5 pairs on the river and I take down a $385 pot. Holla, ship it.