
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Oh snap

Playing satellite donkaments is hi-larious. The players are so, so bad. Oh, will you call an all-in HU for t60 more into a t1200 pot? Tough one, lets activate the timebank.

However, as per usual I am card dead but, sooner or later, I will push with AA and get beaten by 72o.

Oh, played another HU match last night. Very evenly matched. We both got dealt Aces which is about .000268 HU. Anyway, first hand @ 50/100 blinds he raises to 150, I call with K8s. Flop is 235, giving me the flush draw. He bets, I push, he calls with A4o (nice to flop the nuts, eh?) and I miss. GG.

Meanwhile in the rebuy, blinds @ 25/50, stack @ 1330, best hand so far A6s. Whee, more SCs, no big Aces, no pairs (premium or otherwise). Dude, I get nothing. 96o, 75o, .., ATo (sorry, missed about 20 hands of junk and crap aces). ATo v. JTo, Jack on the flop, Ace on the turn. Wee? I still have a small stack but I'm ahead of the blinds for the moment.

ZOMG, AJo v. ATo and I hold up. My mantra -- "No ten, no ten, no ten..." -- worked. My stack is still below average, though. 44, I'm offered a coinflip and I decline after limping.

Piss around until busting with JJ v. T9o (ten on flop, 9 on river. Standard). I need to start playing a higher variance strategy in these things since making +EV plays has 0 reward. At least in a cash game I can just reload and take my money back off the table. Donkaments are just largely a waste of time.