
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


I didn't win $10K today

Wow, go Nick. AAds holding up in PLO is fucking unreal too. It is amazing that no one had a Queen, two pair+, or a flushdraw. I think I got dealt AAKKds at $25PLO once (I've played <100 hands).

I might do his tennis hustle too if I go fulltime pokering. I would need to practive a lot, which is pretty much the point. Keep active. I was a pretty good but not excellent player. Story of my life; well above average but no where near good enough. Still, even if I wasn't a lock on the hustle playing tennis again would be nice.

Um, poker. Yeah. Neteller still hasn't cleared even though it says it has left my bank. Also: "User manually triggered import...9/11/2006 05:49:22 PM". Time is now 07:39 PM. And those are just the Full Tilt HHs, never mind what I've mined from Party. Doesn't look like I'll be able to play much tonight. I think I might need to make a new database too...

Showed neighbour/friend Casino Royale trailer. He's a Bond fan and lent me the book but I haven't read it. He seemed pretty impressed by it too. The "...considerably." got a laugh.

Guys at work were talking about HD...TV(?) I think. Some motor racing but I don't know if it was live or not. "You could see the peebles!" rofl but I'm not the kind of guy to go "I've been watching HD shows for years". And, actually, I've never seen HD sport either so...(I'm pretty sure the BBC streams were 800x600 or something).

Ordered a new hard drive. IDE 320G 7200RPM WD Caviar. Of course, the actual geometry is going to be...296GB? Or something. I could work it out but meh. Why IDE? I have 4 HDs already, 2 SATA and 2 IDE. One of the IDE ones has partitions that I don't often/ever use. Actually, it's got one partition and the 3 root folders are: porn, legacy, & dvd9. legacy is a backup of an old windows drive. It has a few things that I will look at again (e.g. Cowboy Bebop is on there...however, I need to get dvd/dvd-quality rips of the episodes; some of the divx's are rubbish). dvd9 contains some dvd9 images (mostly porn) that I haven't converted yet.

Damn, I have a lot of porn. And I've downloaded 40GBs(!) off of PSN in the past 3 weeks. Kind of hard, though, when they have girls like Tawny Roberts on there. Geez, if anyone reads this I bet I sound like a complete total sex pest. That's not completely true...

Christ on a crutch, still importing! Thrown up two errors too. Eff it, I will try playing some on FT. God knows when these party histories will get imported.

Played $hands. PT still importing old hands. Two hands I FUBARED. AA OTB and AKs UTG. Uh, only AKs I believe I played correctly against an unknown. How was I to know that he was such a muppet? Hmm, probably should raise the flop, though. Doesn't really matter if he's going to pot it OOP with 9-high. Downer is I didn't pick up anything after that and he lost most of his stack. Hand before it too, I 3bet UTG's raise with KK, Kd7d9c flop. He folds to my flop bet. FU! Have AA, better yet, have 99. Oh, I was sitting out the hand muppet lost $400 to trips with...fuck knows, pair of 8's or high card King.

AA? BET THE TURN. Don't induce bluffs you can't call, muppet! FFS. Board is 3 to a straight on the turn, 4 to a straight on the river. If I bet turn, he folds, most likely. If I check turn, he can bet me off my hand since I can't call profitably. DAMNIT.

Um, breakeven. Or, actually, down $40 (but got $20 of bonus). Win small pots, lose big ones. Whee. If only I'd made two bad calls I'd be robusto. Shit.

PT is semi-borked. Oh, great. Wrong version of Postgres. FUCK. It's been silently failing since I upgraded 41 days ago and using Access instead. Bollocks.