
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Break Looser

Jesus, christ. I break even again, again, again. Why? Flop trip 2's with T2o from the BB. Sweet! SB leads, I go for overcalls from the limpers. Nope, damn. Turn 3rd heart. Damn, that sucks, SB leads again. Well, he could have 2x. Call turn. He leads river too. Goddamn, well, he could still have a worse 2. A9h. Well played, sir, but fuck you. God, no wonder hands from the blinds have a negative expectation...

Um, not much else. I raise KQs OTB, 20/8 shortstack reraises me. Um, okay. Got KK a bunch. Fishy, fishy who's lost most of his stack to the guy on his left and has now sat to my right with $60 LRR me with TT, I 4bet to 30-something (kind of crappy 4bet, where for art thou beloved betpot script?), fishy calls. Flop Txx, fishy pushes for PSB. I see the bad news. Fishy proclaims 'looser' (I am not kidding). I mumble 'yea, nothing ever holds up on this shithole' into the chatbox. One time? Mmm, actually...

Another semi-short 'trickyfish' (that's part of his SN) limps UTG. I get Kings in the SB, I raise, BB calls, trickyfish LRRs. I call, BB calls. UHOHS, BB has a PP and may stack me, trickyfish is saying he has Aces but, given the stupid bluffs he's made I will pay to see them. Flop 98xfd, I have no flush card. Me and the other regular check to trickyfish. He bets whatever, not pot, I call, thankfully BB appears to have missed his set and folds. Turn, 7 flush draw hits. I check...because if I am correct and trickyfish is bluffing he's not putting anything else in if I bet. He pushes for less than pot, I pretty much instacall even though the board is pretty scary. River 7 and trickyfish shows J8s no fd. Well thank fuck for that. If he'd have hit another 8 on the river I would have broken something. Honestly.

So, um, yeah. Other than that, raise QQ UTG (NO DOUBT! as tuff would say), 3 to the flop. QT8fd, oh boom. Hopefully no one flopped a queerass straight and someone will raise me on a FD...or maybe someone flopped an underset. $20 into $24. One caller. 7 or something on the turn, no flush. $60 into $64. FOLD. Oh, kay. Asks me to show before I fold, I think about it but don't turn off automuck in time so I say "call to see". EH. "AQ", he said. "Good fold", I say. Telling the truth probably confuses him more than not. "Does he mean good fold for him? Probably on a fucking flush draw. Or had AK." Unfortunately, I had already decided that was my last hand so...

Um, and yeah. I've only been playing 3-4 tables on Prima because...the game selection isn't mega (unless I want to add 100NL or 400NL tables...and I'm not throwing good money after bad by adding enough to play underrolled 400NL on there) and the software sucks. Well, it's okay. Pretty nippy, in fact but I'm so used to the my party ahk scripts that having to select the bet field, work out bet size, enter it, press return, click the bet button is so fucking slow it's ridiculous. If the prima_betpot script worked at all things would be different but...Oh, and don't even talk to me about rebuying. You have to wait until you're not in a hand to do it. Fucking what? F12 on Party and I instantly have more monies to pay off 2-9 outers with.

I think, I think, I think I'll grind back to even on Prima and GTFO of dodge. Yes, running like shit is what I do best, and at least I now realise that IT'S NOT PARTY POKER, IT'S POKER that I hate. (Um, hate? Meh.) But, at least at Party you have fishies galore donking off monies all over. Hit a flop hard = monies. Stupid levels of aggression from regulars as well as fish. Regs will get it all-in with a combo-draw against your set any day of the week. I have seen one person B3B a flush draw (can't remember if was combo or with a pair as well) on Prima. One fucking person. Weak, weak, passive fuckers. Prima regulars seem to play 20-something VPIP & <10 PFR. With a 2/3 TAG. Jesus. Talk about rocks. And there's me trying to be a 20-something/15+ at first. Uh, yeah, that didn't work too well. Whiff lots of flops and I'm called, minraised, or folded. Folds are great...but not really. I pick up one or two small pots, get played back at, and lose whatever I'd made previously in cbets. Yeah, yeah, things happen and if I'd started flopping big when I was getting played back at I would win big(ger) pots but "running like shit is what I do best".

Poker cursing over. Crux: Grind back to even...if that means I have to earn it all in fucking rakeback, then I'll do it. Effing cunts! Poker_rant_end.

Setup Skype forwarding to my hardphone over the weekend. Kind of weird since I get their voice out of my speakers (not sure if it comes thru the handset too)...Had to buy PSGW for $20 in order to do that. Kind of meh purchase. Why? Because I'm getting pokering lessons from cero_z and, while Nildram offered free VOIP (as a test? I don't recall), Pipex do not. So this was the cheapest option. Besides the lessons are $200 each...but, honestly, if Mr. Z can improve my winrate at 1/2NL to something decent (6PTBB would be decent, yes, I do run bad but I estimate that my true winrate is only 3-4PTBB anyway) then I can make it back in no time. And, that's not even the point. The point is to improve my game enough to make a decent winrate (again, ~6PTBB) at levels above 1/2NL...and I'm not just talking 400NL. Dr. Cero and other coaches like him claim (and I quite believe the claims) to have ~$500 hourly winrates. El D. was running at $600/hr. lolo runs at over $2k an hour or something ridiculous. Aba probably runs at $20k/hr :p

Do I think with a few (he says most people have 5-7) lessons that I'll be making $500/hr in the next few months? Hell no. But $100/hr? $200-300/hr? Hell yes! So, yes, it's quite a price to pay but if it helps then it is sooo very worth it.

P.S. Job sucks. Seriously, I think I might get more satisfaction pumping fucking gas/stacking warehouse shelves/working retail/admining windows. I nearly lost my cool with Mr. N. We are friends...of a sort but every hour at work it is very obvious that he is the boss. Which is fine, I have no qualms with that...unless he asks me to do something utterly retarded. On the most part he is a good boss but...sometimes he really does not think. Oh, and on the most part I am a good worker...but I do make some retarded mistakes so I guess it evens out. OHMN.

Eh, I've written far too much. I am sure there are typos, grammatical errors and whatnot. When I read the crap I spew now it really makes me regret how far I have let my abilities degerenate. I guess I don't really care. Declension metanarrative. Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart. I better go to sleep now :/

PSA: Holly Valance is stupidly hot. DOA will suck, no doubt, but I think I will watch it with a stupid grin on my face anway.

Adios, senor!