
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


You can't take the sky from me

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Firefly is one of the best shows ever made. Interesting to see two guys who showed up in Desperate Housewives ('Tom' and 'Karl') and 'Charles Logan' making appearences.

Oh, tried shortstacking 50NL on Party since my Neteller transfer has not gone through. Motivated by all the BBV "turned $20 into $5k in 30 minutes" threads. Got AKo twice UTG. First time guy folds to my cbet. Second time flop is 999 and 55 is goot. -$10. Fuck shortstacking. 55 is a good call against a nitty shortstacks range, yeah. Damn you Zeebo theorum.

I might actually play some 50NL or 100NL just to get in some hands. Games on FT are kind of rubbish right now. Eat and re-evaluate.

I may one of these...in the next few months. Although, I can think of better things to spend £800 on. I am also growing concerned that the games are drying up. I mean, not completely, but they are getting harder and perhaps soon (within the next few years) will be largely unbeatable by all but the very best players. I am under no illusion that I will be one of them. Will I get better? Yes. Will I be able to crush the games other famous internet pros have? No. I would like to, of course, but I don't think I have the innate abilities of someone like aba, bruiser, or prahlad.

Point in case: Just played some 50NL/100NL (eh, not 50/100NL) and I'm down $120. These things happen, I guess. Funny. +$150 on FT, -$120 on Party. Surprise, surprise...

I'm not really going to whine about the hands themselves. Shit like shortstack donkey with AJs minraising UTG, calling a 3bet against QQ, 4/5 way flop of JJxfd, I check call the turn getting better than 2-1. Probably should have folded but he could have had a flush draw or an x. Valuebet good hands, right? Meh. What's slightly disturbing is I don't even care. Well, care enough to stop datamining and look through PT.

Hmm, even after all the drugs and Pete Doherty (sp), Kate still looks good.
