
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


New site, new rivers

Well, that was an exciting way to lose $167 in 66 hands. God, one time, eh? I didn't mean to raise that much on the flop but he called so...I mean, I'm only 87.5% favourite on the flop, 77.3% favourite on the turn. Jesus. Oh well, I made (40*.875+80*.773)...~$97 Skalansky bucks! How else did I lose money? Oh, I called a 3bet with AK. How silly of me. I folded AQ to a 3bet. I called a few raises with speculative hands.

But I made like $0.25 in RB. SWEET.

Goddamn does it suck to play a hand FTOP perfectly and still get shit on.

Played again. Eh, way tighter than Party. Got QQ once, in the BB, defended my BB to steal with it. My AQ won a small pot. My 33 got floated and lost on a straightening board. Zzzz.