
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Ugh, so...I need to upgrade Netbsd2.0 to 3.1. Should just be a matter of finding time to reboot and put the ISO in. Well, and plug in PS2 keyboard. Silly old BIOS. I don't know when I'll get around to that since it isn't urgent.

More pressingly, I need to downgrade psql 8.1 to 8.0 on OpenBSD. Tried installing the 3.8 8.0.8 package and it failed. Now I'm trying to make && make install the port. If the port doesn't work, I guess I have to try installing from upstream.

That, of course, is only the first step. However, I think I may scrap "my first poker tracker database"(s!) and start afresh. Unfortunately that means junking all my mined HHs too. Hopefully it should not take long to build a better DB, and, frankly, mining really only establishes meaningful stats on the regulars who I try to avoid anyway.

(The microwave Chinese chicken thing I just cooked smelled diseased, so I had to chuck it. Variance.)

Neteller still hasn't credited my bank deposit even though it supposedly left my bank yesterday. Damnit.

Heard more about HDTV. I think it was 720p and some feature film. If it was 1080p I will be impressed.

(PrisonBreak. Geez, could you just drop John? Why is there a need to put 20 holes in a guy when he only has an 8 shot semi-auto pistol? Kind of weak there. Uh, huhm, Holly Valance. Phew, god. How could you ditch her? Okay, she's crazy...about you, Michael you tit! Meh, her or the doctor. Not a tough call.)

It doesn't look like this port is going to work. Make seemed to complete but make install found no packages. Goddamn, looks like I'm building from upstream sources.

(Poker. I'm going to stop including so many details about poker. Suffice to say I ran better tonight. E.g. AA UTG -- NO DOUBT! -- Flop K6Thh, unknown BB leads into me for $12, I raise to $36 or so. He calls. Uh oh, but I think KT/set 3bets because of the FD. Turn 6d putting two FDs out. He leads $65 or something, leaving $80 behind. I really want to push at this point but I don't know if WHFBHC a push. So I call. River Tc. Oh snap. He checks, I curse and check. KJo no goot. Damn, I left $80 out there. That's 20PTBB! See, a better player would have pushed the turn and gotten called by KJo (snicker). Thinking about it now I didn't want to see half the deck on the river: Any diamond, any heart, any King, any Ten. 3rd Six would have been awesome but meh. Oh, less detail, right. Also AA > QQ [100BBs] & QQ > 77 [50BBs]. Nice to see that kind of action. Hi, Prima!)

making psql-8.0.8 for the 3rd time (tried the port twice, dunno why I thought it might work the second time). Hmm, well, it's not pretty...but it seems to be working (the rc.local/rc.shutdown stuff probably isn't). Of course, now I have to import my backlogged hands and then convert that access crap to psql. Getting there.