
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



So I knew it would get to this point. AA all-in preflop against 99. Flop is all clubs. I look over and, yes, he has a club. The turn is obvious. Get KK hand after, I push over a minraise. No one bites.

Before that, folded to me with AA in the SB. KQxcc flop, I pot, BB calls. Turn club, obviously. I bet, he calls. I check call $60 on the river. 53s GOOT, of course. I am so sick of losing pots with so called premium hands.

AK, one limper to me in the SB. I raise, miraclulouslu I flop TPTK (KQx). I lead, limper raises substantially. HMMM, you limp called. How could I possibly be ahead? Figured KQ or a set of x's.

Oh boy, my fold looks to have been awful. That's what happens when you're running like shit, you begin to play like it. More I think about it, I'm pretty sure this is AQ. 65/55 would raise/bet the flop. If he just boated that bet is nonsense. It's AQ/KQ waiting for a non-club turn to get all the money in. IDK, maybe my AA on flush turn bet sucked too. Trying to think of a better line. I guess the old check/call, check/fold or check/check, check/call still applies, even in a blind battle.

Anyway, last night I spilled a glass of water all over my fraking keyboard just before bed. I was going sick. Broke the glass too. Space key sensor is fucked so I'm using this crappy other USB keyboard for now. Also, on my mobo only 2 of the 4 USB ports work so I now only have one mouse on the go, which is annoying. Ordered a MS natural 4000. Balls, it's a bastard to get it all working in *nix. Oh well, I never use that crap anyway.

MMM, ordered a RAZR too. From what I've read, it kind of sucks but whatever. It has to be better than my old piece of shit.

Got VGA cables, no more ghosting. Excellent.

Now I need to fix PAHUD/vmware. Too many tables and everything locks until I finally manage to kill it. Trouble is 'too many' = 5 or something shit.

Oh, good news. I fit midlle set on 257r against shortstack with 22 and full guy with AA at 2/4nl. I'm still down almost 3 buyins (QQ v. 43 [-EV], QQ v. KK [--EV], & AA v. QJ [+EV]). In reality, I should only be down two. High praise, huh?