
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



So I've started watching Entourage and I'm up to ep206. I've heard about it before now (on 2p2) but I didn't think it would appeal to me. I thought the same thing about Prison Break. I was wrong again.

I have to say that I think Ari is my favourite character and 'E' is a douche but I guess he's the guy that I and most viewers are meant to identify with.

Stopped hemoraging mostly. Stopped raising pf in omaha since there's like 60% to the flop, even when it's raised. Nut peddling seems optimal when there's 4+ players every flop. I'm also not bothering with small pair hands and, so far, it's saved me monies (would have made quad ducks and lost to quad treys), as is playing AA for set value (would have turned top boat and lost to quad fives).

NOFOLDEM is meh. AA, 50BB guy minraises, I make it ~$18, he calls with KJ. Flop is KTx or similar. I bet close to pot, he check/calls. Turn Jack, he open pushes for 5/6ths of pot or some such. Bah, whatever, I call. Yes, well played you fucking cocksmoker. Oh, yeah, sit out now, well done. I can't even win with them allin pf. Shortstack open pushes KJs for ~$30, I call with AA. Make a flush, yes, nh.

Yeah, so 'variance'. Whatever, it's boring shite.