
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I hit a one-outer in omahaha. First, get it in with AAxx v. AK66 on Kxx flop. I had a read but still probably not good. King on the turn. He only had 4 outers, amazing! Then, I limp call with KKxxds. Me, reg and donk who's potting every hand prelop and every flop. Flop is AKQ. ZOMG, middle set! I check, reg checks, donk pots, I call, reg raises pot, donk folds. Fucking JT, really? But I have a set! Shit, I have outs!!! Yes indeed, he does have the nuts. King on the river. Sorry :(

Oh, and this doesn't make me and FT 'even' with one-outers. Not by a long shot. 1) This was $100PLO & 2) there was much fish dead money in the HE hand.

Odd holdem table where there's like 4 donks to every flop even if it's a raised pot. I deep limp/call with AKs and miss (well, flop was K66, I doubt TPTK is the nuts there against 5 people). Flop a semi-monster with J7 in the SB but the pot is 6 ways! AT8 flop, wee! I check, donk bets, donk calls, donk calls. WTF, how can I raise into that? I call, hoping to hit gutshot since my flush outs might not be clean. Turn 3, I check, check, check, pot. BUH. Damn, my beautiful dream has come undone!

Before that, unknown floated my KJo steal OOP. Yay for you? And not much else happened.

Except, I didn't stack off in holdem. WTF? I think I was actually up a small amount, WTF?! Maybe even a small amount in omahaha too since I flop the nut straight out of the BB against shortstacks top set. The AA & KK hands balance out.

However, I know I'm a dog in PLO. Down one buyin or so. I've stopped growing so fond of AA, though, and cbetting into more than one person.

To do: Find spots to deep limp AA (overaggro TAG-lagtards to act behind) and push preflop. Possible deep limp KK in similar situations since moving in preflop is 'better' (avoids ace-magnet flops). If only I could stop getting it UTG, or folded to me, then this would be easier...