
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Very sick

Oh so very sick of poker. KJs AQ2 flop giving me two nut combo draws. ALLIN against A2. Do I get there? LOLLL.

JJ, get bluffed off my hand on the river by Q8o missed OESD. Of course, the one time I fold he has a bluff. Every other time I c/c they have a two pair piece of crap.

AA, fold on the flop correctly against 33. QQ, fold to shortstacks river minraise on a 787Kx board. I am sure bitch had a 7. Well, I'm sure if I call she has a 7. If I fold she will have had T9.

Losing so much money.

FINALLY FLOP A SET. Turn brings the flush, I bet, he (the guy that bluffed me off JJ) raises. At this point I am sick of all the bullshit so I push. He instacalls with JT, a pair and straight draw. He doesn't get there. WTF?

I notice I'm down $150 in PLOL over 500 hands. AAxx/KKxx are my biggest losers. I guess I'm misplaying them to an extent. Right, no more cbetting.

I just don't get it. People with TAG factors of 1-2 are bluffing all the time, it seems to me. When, clearly, their stats say they won't.

Whatever. I hate poker since I suck at it. Can't wait to top myself. Actually, that's kind of the good thing. I don't care about losing all the fucking time anymore.

The only real regret I have is not being able to finish watching BSG.