
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Went to play poker and found the Gold freeroll running. WTF? Finished ~40 in it and got $80! Wow!

Got shortstacked, put all my money in behind (random junk against TT, twice in a row, junk wins) and then got knocked out when A8 got cracked by QJ. RIGGED!

God, they say omaha is a game of the nuts but as a holdem donk I have a real hard time letting go of some hands. E.g. King-high flush, "He must have the Ace-high flush to pot the river...but I have the King-high!!!1". I call, he has it, I quit $200PLO. No higher than $100 until I get my folds in order. Another hand, KQJ flop. I pay off a bet on the river. "He must have AT...but I have top set!!!1". Dohs. And then, I try and get money in preflop with AAss. Big mistake, I limp reraise, and, even though I've telegraphed my hand and made sure he doesn't have odds to call...he calls anyway. Flop is QJ6. I check/fold. I mean, odds are he has KKxx but the xx might be diamonds, Queens, or someshit.

Back at NOFOLDEM, I flop trips with 62o from the BB. I hate my kicker so decide to check flop of 636. Turn is 2 and I am oh so much happier. I pot, guy with 0.67 aggression calls. River is Q, I bet $13 into $15 pot, guy with minimal aggression over 200 hands pushes for $193. WTF? I treat it like Omaha, Q6, 63, QQ, 54 beat me. He limped in preflop so QQ is probably out (although, IIRC, he had low PFR numbers). Q6 is total trash so that's probably out given his VPIP. 63 is worrying, very worrying. 54 is not really. I suck it up, hope he was slowplaying 33 and call. A5 no goot. Thank fuck for that.