
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Here it is

Obligatory grinchy Christmas day post. Ya, so I don't celebrate this holiday anymore. If I ever have kids or such then I guess I will have to but right now it's just another day to me. Humbug!

Not that I care if other people are decadent swine today. Enjoy, eat, drink, consume! Whatever floats your boat.

Anyway, I decided to export from champloo and re-import into the new databases. Did it the dumb way, through pokertracker, instead of trying to do it directly with pg_dumpall & stuff. Why? Because even though it is grossly inefficient to use PT for the processing, it is almost guaranteed to work correctly. That's more than can be said for me hacking the pg_dump to try and fit observed hands into one database and played hands into another. Plus I would have to try and strip the HH from the observed hands...Meh, just let PT do it. The only problem is I have no idea of it's progress...data dir is now 911MB and the size of the old one was 5GB+. However, stripping the HH from observed hands should greatly reduce the size but...I have no idea how much. Once completed, I don't think I will re-cluster it if it's over 2GB.

I've abandoned screen casting for now. Pretty much abandoned gstreamer as well. Fuck it, if I can't get any help on pipeline construction #gstreamer can FOAD. Yea, okay, Dec 23/24 might not be the best time. I will ask again after boxing day but I doubt I'll get any help. I'm really not looking for someone to say: "$PIPELINE should work. YW." Even a simple Read The Fucking x would do...

So, I'm going to be using x11vnc for coaching and xvidcap for videoing. I may try ffmpeg2theora on the mpeg-1 stream but I might just go with xvid. I'm not sure if the benefits of theora/vorbis outweigh the added difficultly for people watching them. I know it's not hard but some people really are clueless.

But I intend to start playing poker again tomorrow provided the PT import is done. Make a video after a bit of warm up. Hell, I can't run much worse than GP/AW. Seriously, they rarely have a good session. I was watching GP 34 or something where he's 1-tabling 5/10 on FT (lol?), manages to get the donk to push pf when he has aces (such skill), and then drops a buyin with a Ten-high flush after flopping TP+FD. Now, the flush hand was semi-interesting because in position he bet the flop, obviously, bet the turn when he made his flush, and bet folded the river when it was a blank. Say what? Pot is ~$600 on the river, GP bets ~$400, other guy moves in for ~$800, and GP folds. That is pretty mind-boggling voodoo shit right there. If I bet that river, I'm calling a minraise. If I can't call a minraise, I'm not betting the river. Simple as. Might be totally wrong since I'm losing so much (?) value against two-pair+ but I just can't comprehend bet/folding for that price. IDK, maybe he saved $400.

Zelda! I'm at the Temple of Time on my second run. I have 14 hearts (+4 pieces of heart), 599 rupees, 27 poes, 18 golden bugs, & the magic armor. I have more rupees then I know what to do with/hold. I can see already that tracking down the rest of the poes is going to be a real bitch.