
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


By jove

I think I've cracked PokerTracker and postgres setup. Perhaps. Only...the last few months of datamining are for nought since I have had to create a new database from scratch. Bugger.

Setup now: link for played hands and full history and twilight for observed hands and no history. MMMkay.

Oh, and I hate being poor. 'Christmas bonus' makes my wage cheque...almost as much as last months. How much time off have I had? Half a day, IIRC. ~130 work, 46 holiday, 21 bonus. Well, isn't that a whole bunch of bullshit.

I have less than £5 in my current account...and I borrowed £300 from my BR. So, after rent and paying that £300 back, I only have £400 to live on until February. And I am supposed to be paying for poker coaching at £50 a pop. Um, in theory I should have some money in my current account since I'm waiting on a refund for those hard drives. All I can say is I'm going to be eating a lot of cheap food next month. Probably not going to be able to afford gas.

It sucks that my online statement lags so badly because according to that I have close to £200 (of the £300 I borrowed from BR) but it only shows £3 credit. So now I'm wondering where the fuck that money has gone. "Bills" obviously but what? £100 for the hard drives that 'should' return tomorrow. Ahah! Ebuyer debit just popped up, so I'm only missing £67. £19 on Wii cable. Missing £45. Um? Pipex?

Bad news is I need a new computer stuff. Hard drive minimum looks like. Good news is I can resell the composite VGA transcoder. Not much money there but worth recouping some money.

Mr. Brighside once again says: "Good. You're earning next to nothing at work which means it will be easy for you to grind that meager sum via poker. Once you learn not to suck. Also, you've had an expensive month with Wii + paraphernalia but you have it now and games are 1) relatively inexpensive + 2) not very numerous. Come on, you only really want Metroid and maybe Mario. Face it, you pretty much only bought it for Zelda...Also, you deposited £500 (less neteller's BASTARD tax) into FT while moving £300 out of BR. You haven't taken anything from your bankroll. Oh, and while you were down monies on FT, RB topped you up to almost breakeven (*groan*). Don't panic, you're not going busto just yet."

Anyhow, I need to get to bed. I will mention today's cardrunner's video. I watched it but lost audio 26mins in...and then my attention sort of wavered. However...I saw him getting stacked left and right. PLO he...bluffed off his stack, IIRC, no audio but I think he missed his draw and the other guy made his. Also, flush over flush. Although that guy practically donated with A4 v. TT on 664T. The villain ended up calling all-in Muddy's push didn't he? I mean, wtf, that is a stupidly scary board. You only beat a semi-bluff and most semi-bluffs are going to have lots of outs against you. Jesus, just fold BOTTOM PAIR on a 3 flush, paired board to huge aggression. Anyway, it's relieving to see pros run and play like shit. From reading 2p2 you'd think every regular poster crushes their current stakes for 8BB or better.