
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Is the best policy

Um, not sure where I was going in my last rant. Something along the lines of: We want the .87EV, since in poker this means he has to call...and get his .13EV. I wish he [Mr. Generic Fish] would do that everytime. Gosh, gee, doesn't poker suck? Why can't I win all the time?

Which is valid but beside the point. The reason poker players make good money is because it is hard (to a degree; I am sure HSNLers would find MSNL & SSNL laughably easy) and it is very stressful due to the nature of the risk assumed. But risk is a function of reward so one must persevere. How very Anglo-Saxon of me.

Anyway, I've decided to be brutally honest with Kyle, my coach, and blunt as well. He's playing 50NL. Why? It's not a problem for me per se. If he can't help me lick 1/2 on FT, then it is a problem. He can 12-table the playmoney games for all I care. I don't quite understand why he would be dicking around at such a low level if he could beat 1/2 for 5BB+ but we'll see.

Anyway, part of the honesty is I will tell him how much money I have online, how much I have in the bank, how much time I intend to play part-time, & how much I intend to play if I move to full-time. Working with him I will prosper. If he can't help me then I will find someone who will. However, I am pretty hopeful.

From glancing at his blog he seems to habitually pull down $4k+ p.m. This is not balling out of control money but it's better than I have ever done. Also, most days he seems to be making ~$500. Obviously there are losses to balance but he's still doing very well compared to me.

Honestly, I am very much looking forward to starting with this guy.

Wiiii. Calibration is the best policy. I cannot believe I spent 22 hours in Zelda with the pointer not properly calibrated. Also, I've actually started using it correctly, i.e. pointing it at the screen constantly instead of aiming it off to one side/below. Oh, and I beat the Star game lvl1 to get the bigger quiver (turned the pointer off). The teenie boppers were a nice touch. I'm not sure what I'm meant to do with the cute dog outside that loves to fetch.

Into the Arbiter's domain now. The Orc camp was very fun stuff. I killed the master Orc using the mortal draw and then busted out on the hog. All after tearing through the camp with my bow. HOW COOL IS THIS SHIT?

And then the 4 Poe's. I was reluctant to give up Illia's scent but I checked the guide (must stop doing that) and it said I had to. Tracking those bleeders down was fun. Saved it after I lit the 4 torches, only got to play an hour. Boo weekdays.

Of the four dungeons I've seen, ORDER BY fun DESC: Forest, Fire, Desert, Water. FWIW, I didn't hate the Water Temple as I remember doing in OoT. Think I hated it in LttP too. But yeah, I've been abusing the guide too much really. Still it took me a good 10-20 minutes to find the Big Door in the Water Temple. I kept diving into the actual water and sinking to the bottom. Oh, and targeting the eyeball after he switches to the fish was a major pain in the ass.

Loved the Find Zelda thing. Loved the Midas guy whom I'm collecting Poe's for. This game is so fucking awesome. I'm pretty sure after I'm done I will instantly start a new game and go through with the guide collecting everything. Every piece of heart, every bug, every Poe. Probably every chest. I seem to be opening loads now and putting the money back since my wallet is a fat 600 now.

Oh, and is Zelda dead? I doubt it. She's probably in the Twilight world or something. And I think I know who Zant is...

Not sure about the Wolf brother. If I have my chronology correct, he could be Link's ancestor...aka Link from OoT...LttP. That would mean Ganon could be Zant banished to Twilight and hence returned. Maybe.

Love, love Zelda!