
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I still can't get over the audacity he has to accuse me of 'stealing' so much electricity. In fact, his claim would mean I was using 1400kWh p.m. However, he also claims that he is paying £400 p.m. in bills. So, which is, fucktard? There is no way they are charging you 2.5p/kWh, and there is no way I am averaging ~4.2kW or anywhere close to it. Even if, and it's a big if, my old UPS was faulty and drew 1.4kW constantly...that's still only a third. Whatever, I've ordered a socket meter, I will do extensive testing, record the results. If I find a fault with the old UPS that would account for a huge draw, I may omit that part...but hopefully I won't and can include that in my report.

"I would like to start this report by first saying: Fuck you."

No poker tonight, FT upgrade didn't go smoothly and then Sixth Sense wasn't working after. I did watch the GP 10/25 vid. Pretty cool. He made some interesting plays, a tough but what looks like a good fold with KQ and a good OOP bluff with AJ. Although I didn't really like his a) table selection (if there is such a thing at 10/25) and b) lack of PF aggression. Sure, it might be working for him right now but in that particular video, it was just horrible, call button raise in the SB with KJo and check/fold the flop. That's pretty bad taken in isolation, as were some of his other passive calls. Anyway, regardless of how that's working for him right now, I don't think it's good in general and especially not for me in particular.