
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



The more I find out about Warcraft, the more I know I can't play it. WoW is the opiate of the underachiever.

If I were to become engaged I would think nothing of sinking 40 hours into it a week. Hell, I did that to Q3 in college and it's on a totally different level. I recently played Zelda non-stop for days on end and only stopped because I completed it. WoW is a never ending Zelda.

And that's a problem because, 40 hours of Warcraft and 40 hours of work would leave me, hmm, lets see, carry the one...

No. I can't afford to be stuck in some dead end existence hooked on WoW. Sure, if I had more free time and a better rounded life, I might dabble but as it is: One way ticket to rock bottom.

Mkay. PAHUD's behaving 'oddly'. Not really caching too well by the looks of things...

Checked my stats and they are approximately what I thought. Yeah, they shouldn't be that bad (I'm talking 300BB with KK, two suckouts, one colddeck) but I'm sitting on a 500BB hole. The aforementioned KKs and the nuisance 99 (I severely overplayed the weakest overpair)...and the heroic call with J9o TP...GREAT KICKER (technically, correct, but against his range terrible). So, that means on the rest of my downy hands I'm breaking even. The good news (?) is my much vaunted VPIP/PFR is 23/21. I'm so ecstatic about that. Okay, that's my sarcastic defence mechanism: Life gives you lemons, you try not to die from your citrus allergy.

I'm missing value with good hands (BET THE RIVER) by going for check/raises. I'm bluffing too much. I'm overplaying draws (hammer two streets, don't bluff river, these guys call too much, see previous). I'm getting no action with big hands (variance).