
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Hi, this is your results: People are not 4betting marginal premiums against you, they are waiting for AA/KK. Therefore, you can safely fold everything but AA when they 4bet. And, do not think you have any fold equity when you push with AKs. Please think more carefully about the situation before pushing: He's a 15% PFR with a 16% WSD raising UTG. He's probably (mistakenly) only calling with TT-QQ. Kill yourself.

Other than that...spewed chips everywhere, didn't seem to get any back. Which is nice. But my stats are much higher!11 Kill myself.

I don't get it. I'm giving plenty of action. I'm getting some action but the moment I have the best hand that action melts away. Every fucking time like clockwork. Or, say I 3bet or get 3bet with TT/JJ. Flop is AKx/AQx/KQx. What the fuck am I supposed to do there? Check/call or call? Hope he doesn't put any more pressure on me?

Also I was getting 3bet constantly by a 13/10 type guy. Which is good play by him, I guess, but how do I adapt? Finding another table would have been one option but I have two ridiculously loose players on my right. Why can't he just FOAD? He was two to my left and it's not as if I was 3betting him light. I started to at the end because he was pissing me off. But, no, he would 3bet medium pairs like 99 and play them for more than set value when calling (i.e. had insufficient implied odds to just set mine). Fucking joke. Of course, he ended up doubling with KK against one of the loose guys on my right while I got raped without hands and no value with my AA.

Okay, so...things learnt today: 4bet = nuts = fold AK. Got it.