
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Uh, got informed that my power consumption might be too high by the landlord. Again. I'm now stressing out about this £3 thousand bill. The alleged monthly power consumption is 16000 hours! That's 4 times the 'average' home. He wants me to use a monitor...I want that monitor ASAP.

Could it be me? Well...I sure as shit hope not. I don't 'think' so but it may. My actual devices aren't that high but I am thinking it could be the UPS, no? But even 1400VA 24x7 is only £1200 a year. That's still a shit load but it's not even close. Could account for a hike to the energy bill. However, I am very glad I have a 800VA one now.

I 'know' that my actual devices can't be accountable on their own, the only worry for me is the UPS. But, again, I don't think that's culpable either. Which means it might just be his 8kW showers...multiplied by a 5 person household. Right there that's 10kWh per day (he said his wife's showers were twice as long). And they have a tumble dryer...and a washing machine...and a dishwasher. Oh yeah, it must be me and my many computers! Everyone knows computers use lots of electricity! My devices are all under 500W (except the microwave), those things are measured in kilowatts.


Although, in all fairness, I did have 3 computers running 24/7 for a long time (only two now...). I'm not counting the iBook. It's 45W for crying out loud. And when I do turn off the mains on my 800VA UPS, I only have about 5 minutes...In fact, it went instantly when I had the monitor on so I guess it's next to useless. And, oh yeah, I run 4x60W bulbs in my bedroom. Like, whoa!

So, in conclusion, I don't think it's me but if I plug the monitor in and it starts spinning insanely I will be apologetic but that's about all. I guess I don't mind paying my own electric in future...but I'm certainly not paying any arrears as that is not what I agreed to when I moved in. And frankly, I feel like I am paying too much for what I have anyway (yes, it's nice [inside at least...] but it's tiny).

Whatever. Poker: Played some, think I did okay. Notable hands I lost were flopping top set OOP against PFR and caller behind him. Due to my terrible position...and relative position, I took the most +EV line I could think of on the spur of the moment, which was check/raise. However, PFR checked and shortstack caller bet which meant I would be facing the PFR with huge action if I stuck to my original plan and raised. So I called. Turn completed the flushdraw, all thoughts out the window, I checked again, shortstack bet 11BB or half pot, leaving 16 behind. Rebuying and sighing at how I butchered the hand as I did so I put him all-in (I can't fold top set to a half-PSB, I can't call and fold the river if it doesn't pair). IF I ever see such a turn situation again, I am leading since his calling (or shoving range) is greater than his betting range. So that was one set. I managed to completely mangle that. Should have b3b. The other lose was where I 3bet JJ to a LP raise (CO IIRC), guy calls. Flop is Ten high. I do my standard 3bet cbet, he calls. Turn is a Queen, I check, he checks. River is the only card that will get me to put more money in: A third Jack. I valuebet. Guy takes FOREVER to CALL(!) with QQ. Oh noes, I might have AK and your retarded slowplay may have backfired! And then, I just got super owned at that table. Two super-passive calling stations on my left, this guy on my right who was more of an aggressive station (i.e. would bet & raise but much preferred to call and go to showdown). I tightened way the hell up and played in valuebet mode (for the most part) but nothing worked.

But that was about it for bad news. Stacked a few people, made some moves that worked, and just felt like I was playing pretty winning poker. Played Omaha-Hi since the mixed games were empty. Played a hand wrong but sucked out: Raised QT84ss on the button against a limper, flop was TTxhh. Trips + FD. Pretty good flop, but some major downsides. Got all-in against ATxx, runnered two Queens. Then, raised 7758s, flop was 495r (IIRC). I turned the nut straight. When a 6 dropped off. River brought another 5 and he pushed into me. Ugh, less than PSB...I call and MHIG. I don't know if I should have actually folded. With a 45xx5 board, if I had a read he was a good player, I think I have to fold. Unknown limping guy, I call and pray.