
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


2000 ;-)

"Uh, do you 24?" "Yeah, but it's divx." "Oh, that's for only computers right?"

Welcome to last decade. Jesus! I'd be more tolerant if he had some excuse like not working with computers everyday or being over 40. Hell, in a society where we have mp4 players on our mobile phones, you'd think that he would have at least made some attempt at entering the digital media age. But it's good news for the MPAA that there are still people hooked on the obsolete distribution paradigm.

Interestingly, a friend of this guy who is slightly older is almost infinitely more clued up. He doesn't understand it exactly but he knows enough that lossy encoded media is a good thing...and has worked out (with a little help) how to view it.

Anyway, people who aren't interested in learning don't merit much more attention.

Severe weather warning. Expected to be a few centimetres of accumulated snowfall on the roads. Zomg, whole centimetres! This country cracks me up. A little wind and we lose power for 14 freaking hours, a little snow and the roads will probably be impassable.

Watched Harry Potter 1&2. Big fat 'MEH'. I guess it's entertainment of a sort but the adults that are enthralled by this drivel deserve a good smack.

Downloaded a lot of porn this weekend. It's more of a habit than anything else because there is no way I'll watch it all. A lot by my standards is pretty freaking huge too.

Disappointed with realtime scheduling. Mplayer still froze periodically while using it. Don't know what the root cause of that was either, because I did try shutting down vmware to lighten system load.

Clustering again. Not entirely sure it's worth the effort. I'm not going to let it run past ~8 hours anyway.

New BSG 3.5 tomorrow. Yes! New CR video too. New Stargate episodes Tuesday, Wednesday. SGA finale blurbs looks like it's going to add something new and exciting to the whole SGA universe. At a guess, it's being able to fly the city. I'm not sure quite how amazing that's supposed to be so I could be way off. Samantha Carter is also signed for 14 SGA episodes in season 4. If only they could get Jackson and Adria too...

Going to work on my poker a lot more now. Well, as much as I can part-time. Found myself completely outplaying some guys in some circumstances...and getting completely outplayed in others. One thing, I need to make bigger calls with TP on the river when busted draws are likely I think. Since it's so rare that I'll actually have TP with a reasonable kicker anyway.

Truth be told, though, SSNL is not hard at all. Many players have such huge leaks that so long as you have fewer/smaller ones, you'll beat the games. Even in my nascent lag-tag state, I'm mostly doing okay - sans variance - and I'm still learning.