
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Boom, headshot

I realise that I lied to my former ISP yesterday. Well, I mean, of course I lied about not getting the initial letter. What I mean is, they should have known I lied about not getting the first letter because I emailed them about it (lol, duh). I realised that after I phoned them of course.

Deleting lots of crappy wallpapers that I've snarfed. Particularly Halle Berry ones. That might sound slightly racist but I'm just not overly attracted to black women...Deleting mostly headshots. I mean, I personally find the face one of the most attractive features of a women but some of these are just awful. Either the photography is bad...or more often, the subject's best assets aren't captured in a headshot (i.e. they just don't have a great face). Obviously, supermodels aren't in that category. People like Denise Richards and Cameron Diaz are (although, Diaz doesn't always look terrible). Even beautiful people like Aniston & Jolie don't always look stunning in a headshot without makeup/photoshop.

Says the hideously ugly man behind his computer. I'm sure they couldn't care less about my opinions on their relative beauty.