
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


My Matusow Moment

All-in pf again. This time with AQs. Snap called by...AKo. The one hand I thought he would fold. Why spew...I mean push? Well, it was the second time he had 4bet me. I mean, my 3betting range is now wide on the button, especially if you're opening in the CO but...COME ON. First time I folded Jacks. Kind of hate that I pushed there but after he had done it twice I figured 'hay, maybe he's doing it with weakish shit and is folding to a push?'. Well, he was weak but folding...no. Needless to say, I didn't suck out.

In actual terms of EV, it's not HUGELY bad (30/70), slightly worse than a FD vs overpair. And if you assume he folds sometimes...(maybe). However, the problem is...it's a lot of BBs down the drain.

Other than that blowup, played okay. Actually flopped a set a few hands after, got check/minraised on dryish flop (J82r), and pushed. Trying to take advantage of my image to get payed but, obviously, guy was either FOS or playing perfectly against me.

Got a little greedy with a turned FH. Flop was drawy so I potted the river against a calling station for value. OF COURSE, given that I wanted the calling station to call, he folded. I should have done my bluff size bet which is slightly smaller than pot.

Whatever, other than the huge AQs mistake, not badly played 2hr session. Stats wise, looking good: 20/20/5. Even my turn and river aggression was quite high. Aba says that your aggression by street should be: 5+/4+/3+.

Played Q4 CTF...since punkbuster has rendered Q3 useless for me in it's latest update. I mean, I get just as annoyed at the guys in quake as I do in poker. They play terribly (chasing, camping, misusing runes, spamming) and yet they mostly beat me. In CTF, that's because while I'm more skilled than they are, it's a team game. Even if I can destroy half their team without taking any damage, and the other half with more difficulty, it accomplishes nothing if the rest of my team doesn't a) capture the flag or b) defend the flag. I can sometimes single handedly do one or the other, but not both.

I'm being immodest anyway, I'm not that good, generally I'm one of the top 3 players on any given server but sometimes not even that. Besides, I've only really started playing Q4 (well, with any amount of FPS anyway!). Have to say, I don't really like it. I'd much rather be playing Q3.

CNC3demo is cool. You can play as Nod by clicking on the team and pressing N (G selects GDI). You can also alter some other stuff by pressing the first letter. It takes a few tries but it does work. Only played the AI on easy so far to look at all the units/structures/superweapons for each side. Nod's nuke is utterly devastating. Not sure how hot the multiplayer will be. GDI seem to be missing the Allies old satellite technology unless I'm missing something myself. The storyline looks cool with Grace Park, Tricia Helfer, 'Sawyer', 'Bald General', & Kane.