
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



No, sir, I believe you mean NICE CALL, or NICE FLOP, or NICE CATCH.

I think I dropped 5 buyins, maybe more. Aside from that fantastic hand imagine this: You raise AKs, everybody calls, you flop no pair, no draw. You flop a flush, people instafold to your raise. You 3bet light, people instacall. You 3bet AQ/AK, and never flop a pair. You raise AA, 77cTc flop, and you make a tight fold when the flush gets there. You flop a FD+GS, minraised, you call OOP, make your flush, and get it all-in against TP+FD's overflush. You 3bet QQ, KJs instacalls, and you check down the AK8 flop. You call a 3bet with TT (ip), flop is 33dQd, he checks, you check it back. He small bets 8 turn...you call?? He half pots 9 river...out of frustration you call and QQ is good.

You play Omaha. You keep flopping top set and losing. You can get in a significant portion of your stack with AAKds, shortstack calls and has 3BB left on the flop. You call with overpair+NFD, shortstack flopped two pair, and boats on the river.

You wonder if you'll be able to ever play poker again.