
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Um. Not sure what to say about the poker. I could have folded to river bet in Omaha when the OESD got there. I'm not sure about the way I played the flush. C/R there is meh. Betting is probably better. Really bad call with the TT out of frustration. OTHER THAN THAT I PLAYED SORTA OKAY. Maybe a little weakly after a time. Very few +EV spots. Stacked one person with AA v. AT blind battle, monotone flop, and he C/R turn all-in with NFD. So, yeah, I could have certainly lost less than I did.

Let me say that again: I could have lost less. Lost less. Compare and contrast that with 'won'.

Anyway. If I do get the CNC3 demo working, I think I'll have an exceptionally hard time getting the hours in unless I run significantly better.

Got to try reinstalling XP...RETAIL and not SP2. Probably won't work but w/e.