
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Take it bitch

Hazah! Completed penultimate Nod mission. What a bitch that was, even on easy (yea, I suck). The plan was to capture most of the south-western GDI base and go from there. Went okay until my commando decided to blow up the battlebase I was trying to capture. Oops. Then it was hairy holding out against advancing Scrin tripods, totally decimated about a dozen mammoths as they rolled out the factories. Good use of ~$30k.

Tip: Use engineers to resurrect the fallen tripods and war factories to repair them. Table has turned, bitches! Oh, you've upgraded to shields. SOB.

All the while I'm getting peppered by Scrin and GDI air units. Mammoths and lots of AA guns helped but still pretty brutal. Fuck that, take a force of mammoths and tripods north. Goodbye GDI. Then...well, pretty much couldn't lose. Scrin pressed some attacks but the outcome was somewhat inevitable. Capturing the eastern base gave me some lovely alien toys to play with. Found the mothership to be somewhat...rubbish, however, Scrin air units and tripods with shields are fucking unbelievably powerful. How the multiplayer balances this inequality, I have no idea (unless they're unplayable...? Haven't touched it yet).

Uh, was going to watch 24 but...the function to unrar the days newest files failed to unpack it. Then I rm *(c0). Oops.

Looks like that's the end of the season for Prison Break. Meh. Season one was excellent, two not so much. Three...he's back in a special, company project prison. Sounds...yawn. We'll see, I guess.