
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Tricia Helfer. Whoever decided to cast an ex-Victoria's Secret model in a sci-fi show is A GENIUS. Can't wait for C&C now. I've been playing some skirmishes against Brutal AI on the demo. Well, I can beat it with a handicap...

I think I prefer GDI. Mammoth's + railguns are...unstoppable. Getting to that stage is pretty hard, however. AI loves infantry, rocketmen & riflemen, and it loves to garrison them. It also loves to rush them. I've found that you need to gather more resources than the AI whilst holding off it's pressing attacks, until you have railguns. Then the range and power of the railguns have no problem chopping down the somewhat feeble attacks of the AI. Although, admittedly the handicap helps a lot so.

Also, the AIs base design is...retarded. It seems to invest all it's resources in refineries. But the way it places them is terrible. No where near tiberium fields, on bridges and whatnot. It also fails to build a decent force of vehicles, and no aircraft. So while I'm queuing 30 mammoths the AI is building some rocketmen and yet another refinery.

Lost.314: Nikki is hot. I guess Palo is too. Funny 4th wall with the guest star thing. OH, they're not dead...hang on...okay, they are now. heh.