
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Interesting but short Scrin campaign. I wonder which ending will be canon. I'm thinking possibly the Scrin one. I actually was surprised at how weak the Scrin were to play. Masterminds seemed pretty weak compared to commandos...and then I read teleport engineers = profit. Pretty sick, that. Although, I still think GDI commandos > Nod commandos > masterminds.

I was actually surprised at how weak Scrin were to play as until you unlock the higher units of the tech tree. Last mission was a cakewalk (on easy, at any rate) due to how much money you were given. Although I choose not to destroy the GDI base. Would have been almost trivial with the planetary assault carriers though.

Where to now? May replay the campaigns and try to complete them on hard but...well, it doesn't have that much appeal. Skirmishes to learn the maps and then probably some multiplayer. Doubt I'm going to get overly into it.

Registered FTS. The script is compiled as an executable so it's not trivial to crack it. And he's only asking $20. The old version I was using wasn't completely broken, just anything involving the betsize box. One of the most important features is being able to rebuy/rebuyall with one-click.

Haven't played poker today. Kind of goofing off. Weather was great (for this country, for this time of year). SPOILED by neighbours fucking brat shouting to his brother all afternoon. Is he 4 or 5? IDK, but I was seriously considering snapping his fucking neck. Not very +EV, life in prison versus an hour or so of peace. Eventually his brother came over and kicked whatever he was playing with and told him to STFU. Obviously he begins balling at this point. NOISE++. Although, secretly I was grateful to the brother.

Sick thing is I pay neighbour/landlord stupid monies for this dump and I can't even sit outside because of his annoying kids. It was the same last year. I don't like children much generally, I don't like spoiled and noisy children especially. Which is why I didn't like my step-siblings all that much. Where have all the old fashioned values like discipline gone? What happened to "children should be seen and not heard"? My step-siblings got 'timeouts'. OHNOES, what a great punishment.

Just to clarify, I'm not into children much but I tolerate a certain level of exuberance. I understand that they like to play and whatnot. What I don't tolerate is brats shouting all the fucking time. I knew I should have gotten some ear plugs. I could listen to music but...I just want peace ad quiet when I'm reading.

Oh well, I'll just have to do what I did last year, and go out if I want to do something unreasonable like read in the sunshine. Neighbours hardly ever go out so I'm shit out of luck there.

On 7th season of TNG. Just watched 715, one with the junior officers. It's a shame the cute blonde Bajoran had to die.

Making the last of my big downloads while I'm on Pipex (fuck em). Moving to Enta on Tuesday. Hopefully it will go smooth...