
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Ugh, can't keep my end up at limit. Nothing especially bad. I think I may have got outdrawn once or twice but that's it. Still managed to lose 14 bb or so between that and blinds. Lost a monster (either AA or KK) to something like two pair.

NL was better. Almost doubled up with some agressive play. Made some good reads. Fired off a large bet with AA on a raggedy flop, went AI on the turn. Probably would have been sucked out on but it would have cost them so I won. Think I went AI again with a set of snowmen (8's) and didn't get called. Either way I wouldn't have minded one caller to win an even larger pot.

Then I went down back to my buy-in playing KQs v. AI A9o. Turn put a pair of 5's on the board and LAG went AI. I knew he didn't have a 5 but I should have probably folded since I knew my unmade hand, while undoubtably better than his, was vulnerable to any A-rag kicker.