
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


It continues

JJ UTG. I limp hoping to reraise. Well, BB raises but I didn't reraise enough since it went 3 way. Flop is QTT. BB and I check, 3rd wheel puts in PSB, SB goes all-in. WTF can I do but fold? QQ on the button. Time to lose some more. CO raises and I reraise to 17BB. That should define my hand, bitches. Still goes 3 way...OMFG. Client crashed when I tried to go all-in on the flop ATT (over aggro?). Fuck, fuck, fuck. What a waste of $5. Or, maybe I lucked out and someone was holding an A or a T. Fuckysticks.

Fuckit, next time I get one of the top 4, I'm going all-in preflop. Fire and forget. At least that way I don't have to worry about dodging overcards. Like that hand just there! AA vs. QQ (big stack). Wow, he's not so big anymore after paying off: AA, quad 9's and a full house on the same hand (quad's went all-in), and then my set of 7's. He has less than $4 left now. $170 to $4 in less than 5 hands.

Ah, guy on my left confirms my suspicions about guy on my right. He plays shit hands and likes to bluff against weakness. Lefty wins with TPWK. Guy on my right is my new target. Pocketducks, call his raise, miss the flop, and fold. AKo in the SB. Win the blinds by potting it on the flop. Wow, had I played A6o in the face of a raise, I'd have won a large pot with a 1 card straight.

Righty is loose but he's not stupid. (Pocketducks again, flop AAQ. C/F.) He's unlikely to call a push without a good second best hand. He'll probably slowdown if/when I reraise him preflop. I may get him with a set or AA vs. KK. There are some other people at the table who have me covered but I think lefty is the softest target. Okay, only two people now. I'd have got a backdoor flush against him had I stuck around until the river with QJs. Damn, and now he's gone. One person has me covered, table is shorthanded, and they're all tight. Leave.

Stalking righty, he's now two to my right. Played a few hands. Took K9s too far chasing a gutshot. KT would have flopped broadway. Righty has lost about $10 so far. Reload? KK in the BB. Hope someone raises. Nope, have to raise limped pot to $5.25. Two callers. Push Jack-high/2 flush flop get 1 caller. Caller shows 88. Phew. Sooner or later I'm getting cracked and then I'll just go spare.

Guy to my immediate right has me covered. His play seems quite solid and my image is rock like so doubling up again is going to take some doing. Table is shorthanded. Damn.

/quit +$38.