
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


It's all skill...

Start with the worst hand and go up hill. QQ in MP3 (iirc), raise it up to 6BB. Two callers, SB and someone else ahead of me. Fine. Flop is nice and low but two spades and one club. Checked to me, I pot it, SB raises me and the other guy gets out of the way. I call (although I should have probably just pushed). Turn is the Ace of Clubs. He goes all-in and I think to myself: "I'm confident I was ahead preflop and on the flop. If he's hit his A-rag, so be it. I've put too much in to fold now." Kind of dumb reasoning in retrospect but river was a pretty, pretty Queen! I'm not sure if I sucked out on this one. Possibly.

Waiting for my new debit card to arrive. I'll be able to hit up new sites and bonus whore. Although, I really want to be putting $500 into party at the least. Need to make a $500 roll first :)

Limp AJo in the SB. Board pairs twice, fold on the turn to a small bet. I think I have the best kicker but this is an extremely marginal place to extract value. I'm not even sure if I chop there with a smaller Ace. I think so. Damn, AKo UTG (last orbit). 55K, pot it, two callers (MP1 & SB). I go into C/F mode; I smell a 5. Turn (a Three, completes the spade flush) is checked around. Okay, maybe I'm good? River is a Queen (I was hoping for another spade). SB bets 3BB into a 14BB pot, easy call. MP1 then raises to 16BB, easy fold (even though SB called). Sure enough, MP1 shows J5o (nice hand...).

/quit +$17. Weekends are good!