
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Poker. Tried 4 tabling 25NL. 331 hands, WSF$ 12.12%, -$36.27, -21.92BB/100, WTSD 10.61%, W$SD 28.57%. So, um, yeah. Either I'm way worse than I thought I was, really bad at multitabling, or running on ice. I think it's a combination of all three.

Biggest losing hands: AJo, flopped TPTK, villain hit bottom two with his SC and I paid him off. AQo, villain limps from the BB QQ preflop and minbets undercard flop. I call with overcards not knowing that 3 of my outs are dead. Of course I turn a Queen and MHING at SD. Looking at his stats, it shows he limped KK too. I'll make a note of that. A9s, hit TPWK, bet pot. KJs runner-runners two pair. Hot, hot, hot!

Sets hit 0. The only PP I'm in the black with are: QQ, TT, & AA. KK, well, I've bitched enough about KK. JJ is now in the red after I raised UTG, got reraised from LP, called, and folded to his PSB on flop of undercards. 99 (1), 88 (3), 66 (2), 55 (6), 33 (5), & 22 (2) have all missed. That's 19 PP so I should have flopped 2 sets (or better).

I have a standard raise at 25NL of $1.50 and no one called AA once...and yet I saw people going all-in QQ vs. KK vs. KJo. And then there's this guy: 74 hands, had AA once, raised once, +$4.54, +12.27BB/100.

Party Poker crashing twice didn't help. I need to register PT...

Banging out 300 hands 4-tabling though was okay and something I can deal with. Of course, I think I can stand to improve my multitabling a great deal too. There were a few times when I was in hands on 3 tables at once and sort of lost it.

Now it's time to get drunk and shout some more at my monitor (although, not playing poker).

Fuck. Poker.