
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Oops, butchered my FreeBSD box, got it all setup with vmware etc. Needed more disk space so I canibalised the 'bust' box I had knocking around. I thought the mobo was fried. Nope, I noticed the power switch had gotten pulled off of the pins. SOB. I've now dumped what used to be my FreeBSD HD into the bust box since the bust box has a faster cpu (only about 300Mhz but whatever). Not that either of them are blazing by any standards. So far, VMware is working okay over SSH. Have to see how XP deals with it...

No poker again tonight. Grrr. If I had spent all that time doing useful shit, fine, but mostly it was waiting around on my useless neighbour (he said he would help me on Saturday...then Sunday...then at 7pm tonight...didn't pin him down until about 9pm). Thanks.