
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Weak river play from me with KK against the limp caller. I was only behind to a set on the end, should have destacked the cunt (A7s, bluffed on the end with a missed flush draw).

Wow, dicks took all the dead money off the table. Fish had 67o with a paired 6 and maybe a straight draw. 'Sharks' had ATo (TPTK) and KTo (two pair). Grr, fish busted. A few hands later I pick up QQ on the button. King high flop I pot it, guy calls. Flush comes on the turn, another King on the river. He checks, I take the cheap showdown and win a smallish pot.

Picked up 77 and TT, neither hit. Playing out of the blinds I turn trips on a 3 spade board.

KK and QQ go all-in preflop for 100bb. KK wins unimproved. Nits can harp on all they like about folding KK preflop but at this level, with these players it's the wrong goddamn play.

Marginal winning session (half a buyin), would have been more had I not looked at the board at all with KK and QQ. Good news is I'm not getting that much respect at the tables (calling my PFR with A7s).

My variance at 25NL is essentially minimal, I haven't dropped a buyin in weeks. My variance at 50NL & 100NL is sick. I don't want to get into it anymore but I dropped two at 50NL on Sunday. The largest winning session I've had at 50NL was half a buyin. My shortstacking 100NL just didn't work at all. I can't afford to finance another stint at 100NL this month, and dropping $100 there would hurt my roll too much. I'll just have to be satisfied with whatever gains I can make with my current BRs at the Aquarium and PP. But like I said, PP is pretty unappealing after the fish fest at Pacific.