
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Least of my worries

Running slightly better today. Gone back to full on weak-tight counterplay. Made a bit back with a set of Jacks (after they cost me a buyin yesterday). Other than that, nothing much. Really need to get cracking on vmware station. Wow, just finished my session and I see I'm up much less than I thought. Oh well. I see it's because guy I stacked wasn't full. My run of great luck continues.

Shortstacking higher limits looks tempting. I might try 400NL open-push with 88+/AQs+. I'm pretty sure I have the skills to play higher. Those skills go out the window, however, when I'm on insane monkey tilt.

Anyway, Andy Beal, eh? OMGZ.

I see you can lease a Jag XKR for ~£200 p.m., full maintance, 30K miles allowance p.a. Sweet! Porsche Boxster and Audi TT are closer to £1K p.m. Which, even if were making a shitload of money, I don't think I'd bother spending that much. Boxsters, as far as my limited petrolhead knowledge goes, are girly cars anyway. 911 are for the guys :)

I do have a plan. A synergistic cunning plan that relies on me making money at poker to begin with but then subsidizing that with a porn site and advertising revenue. Obviously I'd have to get a few things fixed (14" ab. scar for a start...) but that would be the ultimate hedonistic trip. Quite a shallow pipedream but for a bitter nihlist it's a step-up from wishing for oblivion.