
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Well, that was a bunch of totally not awesome.

91 hands, -$75.75, -41.62BB/100, went to SD 11.76%, won at SD 0.00%. In other words, KK got cracked by 75s flopping two pair...after he called $9 preflop (reraise). Meanwhile, at Party: 94 hands, -$32.05, -17.05BB/100, went to SD 23.81%, won at SD 60.00%. Now, that was my own fault: Attempted steal with AJo, bet QJx flop and called river bet. Of course villain limp/called with AQo and MHING.

Total savings from laying down those hands after the flop, i.e. not putting any more money in when I may be behind: $30. Arguably I shouldn't have bet the flop with AJo. What a shitty session. A lot of the other spewage was set mining...and not hitting one. First time multitabling, too. Think I could handle four easily (my BR can't...it can't handle two if I bleed like that regularly).

Scumbags stats: 26 hands, VP$IP 84.62%, $165.75, 318.75BB/100, went to SD 40.91%, won at SD 66.67%. Jesus, his most profitable hand was cracking my KK (obviously). Second winningest was A9s (rivered flush). Then there was A6o which he won with twice. Best was calling a PFR to crack TT. Then 42o where he flopped the straight (I had K7s on that hand; gutshot+FD, neither hit [only saw the turn]). Best part is he lost $98 with AQo when someone flopped the wheel (limped preflop, overbet 5h 3s 4h flop, raised by wheelman, calls, calls wheelman's bet on the turn [Qd] after checking, then calls wheelman's all-in on the river [8c]. Great play by wheelman, managed to get it all-in). Ha. Ha.

Laughing at VP$IP 84.62% donk makes me feel slightly better. Other than KK and AJo, standard session for me (i.e. didn't make one hand). Yes, I am bitter.